
The Brain Fog Cure Thumbnail

The Brain Fog Cure – How to Get Laser Focus

Brain Fog, this thing stealing your concentration is a widespread phenomenon. You can no longer think right, you forget the simplest things and lose sight of the essentials. There are several causes of this strange, foggy feeling. Don’t worry, you can easily fix it and sharpen your mind. Brain Fog Symtomps It is generally believed

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Breathing and the Brain Thumbnail

Breathing and The Brain – Complete Guide 2019

Everyone knows this situation: you are super stressed and can not think clearly anymore. The solution: take a deep breath! And indeed, after a few deep breaths, you are more relaxed and the brain seems to work again. But why is that? What are the effects of breathing on the brain? Control Your Breathing Breathing

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two hands writing on a piece of paper next to a laptopt, headphones and a cup of coffee

Morning Routine – Create Your Perfect Start To The Day

Many people experience difficulties finding enough time to do everything they want to do. Additionally, starting the morning off right, instead of hitting that snooze button is a challenge in itself. For many people, the morning starts with a hurry to get to school or work on time. This article is here to change that.

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Man feeling happy

Auto-Suggestion – How to Use It

Many people want to step up their game in multiple ways at once. They want to be more successful and healthy. Asking for more confidence, motivation, and energy. But these things are hard to achieve. They take immense willpower, discipline, and mental fortitude. Right? What if there is a technique that allows you to achieve

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How to Get Motivated (again)

By nature and in today’s time, motivation is a topic that matters for each and everyone at one point in life. Whether it may be the motivation to go to the gym, study for university or to pursue any other kind of goal, motivation is the one key to start. Let’s take me writing this

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Man taking a break, stretching in front of his screen

Taking Breaks – A Comprehensive Guide

An Emerging Athlete often strives to achieve higher productivity and to reach his set goals. But even if you are just experiencing an intense time filled with obligations and responsibilities, sometimes less is more. Taking breaks not only increases the amount you get done and the quality of work you deliver, but it also reduces

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About Emerging Athlete

Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a Happy and Successful life depends on mastering four underlying Pillars. Fitness, Nutrition, Productivity, and Mindfulness. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.

Step by step you get better and better. Just keep improving and trust the process.

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