Ready to become
the Best Version of Yourself?
Get fit, healthy & successful.
The key to a happy life.
About Emerging Athlete
Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a happy and successful life depends on mastering four underlying pillars:
Fitness, Productivity, Mindfulness, and Nutrition. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.
Step by step you get better and better. Keep improving and trust the process.
A strong body builds the basis of an Emerging Athlete. We are always in shape and ready to perform.
Time efficiency and the right habits facilitate a happy and successful life.
High Performance in any area can only be achieved through inner peace and harmony.
Food is our fuel.
The right nutrition builds a foundation for a strong body and a happy life.
Recent Articles
Rhodiola Rosea against Stress
You are often under stress and feel exhausted? Then rose root can be the right plant substance for reducing stress for you. Rose root, also known as Rhodolia rosea, is designed to counteract the effects of fatigue associated with stress and make you fit again, so you consistently performe again. How Rhodiola rosea reduces stress
Benefits of Bitter Orange
Citrus Aurantium, Synephrine, or bitter orange. It has many names. bitter orange has been used in herbal medicine for years and is said to have great benefits. But what are the benefits of bitter orange? In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the bitter orange. Its benefits, usage and also where
Why Microbiome Is Important and 4 Ways To Improve It
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Benefits of Capsaicin
You have probably heard it before, capsaicin. Capsaicin is contained in most spicy foods and is said to have great benefits. But what are the benefits of Capsaicin? All this and more will be covered in our Guide, so stay with me. What is Capsaicin? Capsaicin is the bioactive substance found mainly in hot peppers
Sugar and Mental Performance
Do you think a chocolate bar will take you out of the afternoon low and give you the energy for the last hours of the day? You’re wrong buddy. On the contrary, sugar makes you tired and robs your energy. So does sugar influence mental performance? Everything you need to know about sugar and mental