Ready to become
the Best Version of Yourself?

Get fit, healthy & successful.
The key to a happy life.

About Emerging Athlete

Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a happy and successful life depends on mastering four underlying pillars:
Fitness, Productivity, Mindfulness, and Nutrition. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.
Step by step you get better and better. Keep improving and trust the process.

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A strong body builds the basis of an Emerging Athlete. We are always in shape and ready to perform.

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Time efficiency and the right habits facilitate a happy and successful life.

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High Performance in any area can only be achieved through inner peace and harmony.

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Food is our fuel.
The right nutrition builds a foundation for a strong body and a happy life.

Recent Articles

Physical workout for FST-7 progress

FST-7 Training – Complete Guide 2019

FST-7 stands for “Fascia Stretch Training“. Its main focus is on building muscle. The “7” stands for the number of sets that are completed at the end of each workout, for each specific muscle group. In principle, the main idea revolves around having a good pump in our muscles. And let’s be honest, guys, who

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How to Fight Laziness and Procrastination

We all have our reasons why sometimes we feel lazy and tired But how can you overcome laziness and stop procrastinating? Let’s first look at the most common reasons for laziness. Reasons for Laziness and Procrastination Especially in the dark season, it is perfectly normal if you are a little lazier. Many people are bothered

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19 Practical Tips On How To Cure Migraine

Many people often suffer from severe headaches and migraines. If you are also suffering from throbbing pain, here are 19 natural methods that can help you quickly get rid of the headache.    Headache is a common affliction many people deal with on a daily basis. The symptoms of headache range from uncomfortable to almost

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Breathing and The Brain – Complete Guide 2019

Everyone knows this situation: you are super stressed and can not think clearly anymore. The solution: take a deep breath! And indeed, after a few deep breaths, you are more relaxed and the brain seems to work again. But why is that? What are the effects of breathing on the brain? Control Your Breathing Breathing

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Ginseng for Lower Stress & More

Do you want to be able to concentrate better, like immediately? Then next time you should not grab the Coke, but get some Ginseng. In combination with other plant substances, like Ginkgo, Ginseng can naturally take your mental performance to the next level. But can Ginseng lower stress? And what are the effects on the

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How to Improve Willpower

Willpower is the ability to control your own impulses. It will help you stay true to your goals, do your daily work, or take your training to the next level! Without willpower, you would become the plaything of your own impulses and blindly follow every temptation. In these examples, one recognizes willpower: How easy is

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