Ready to become
the Best Version of Yourself?

Get fit, healthy & successful.
The key to a happy life.

About Emerging Athlete

Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a happy and successful life depends on mastering four underlying pillars:
Fitness, Productivity, Mindfulness, and Nutrition. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.
Step by step you get better and better. Keep improving and trust the process.

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A strong body builds the basis of an Emerging Athlete. We are always in shape and ready to perform.

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Time efficiency and the right habits facilitate a happy and successful life.

white Mindfulness icon


High Performance in any area can only be achieved through inner peace and harmony.

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Food is our fuel.
The right nutrition builds a foundation for a strong body and a happy life.

Recent Articles

Yellow butterflies on green plant

The Importance of Attention to Detail

Before reading this article entirely, I want you to take a look out of the window, or just observe your surroundings. Especially try to make use of your attention to detail. The more different things you can notice, the better! Now, close your eyes and try to paint the complete picture. What did you notice,

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Man jogging down a road

The Optimal Calves Volume – Hypertrophy Guide

Do you belong to the sort of people, who work out but still cannot get their calves to grow? or are you one of the rare exceptions with jacked up calves? Most individuals probably see themselves in the former illustration, including me by the way. To help all of you that belong to the former

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Weighted barbell with belt for the optimal back volume

The Optimal Back Volume – Hypertrophy Guide

The second article of our volume series will take a look at the optimal back volume. This article series will cover all crucial parameters that concern the optimal volume. This facilitates the process of developing your very own training program. If you’re not yet familiar with what volume is and how it affects the muscle-building

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Morning Routine – Create Your Perfect Start To The Day

Many people experience difficulties finding enough time to do everything they want to do. Additionally, starting the morning off right, instead of hitting that snooze button is a challenge in itself. For many people, the morning starts with a hurry to get to school or work on time. This article is here to change that.

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man training with optimal volume for hypertrophy

The Optimal Volume for Hypertrophy – Complete Guide

In weight training, the training volume indicates how much work we did or how much weight our muscles moved during one workout. But what’s the benefit? To put it simply: By knowing the volume, we can compare our workouts and assess if we have become stronger or weaker. According to the result, we determine if

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