Ready to become
the Best Version of Yourself?

Get fit, healthy & successful.
The key to a happy life.

About Emerging Athlete

Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a happy and successful life depends on mastering four underlying pillars:
Fitness, Productivity, Mindfulness, and Nutrition. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.
Step by step you get better and better. Keep improving and trust the process.

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A strong body builds the basis of an Emerging Athlete. We are always in shape and ready to perform.

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Time efficiency and the right habits facilitate a happy and successful life.

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High Performance in any area can only be achieved through inner peace and harmony.

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Food is our fuel.
The right nutrition builds a foundation for a strong body and a happy life.

Recent Articles

How to Increase Learning Power Thumbnail

How to Increase Learning Power

Learning requires a lot of energy. Your brain uses a lot of power during complex thinking processes and therefore needs to be well looked after. Extremely important to your brain and to increase the ability to learn is oxygen. Many functions in the human organism are based on oxygen exchange. When you are lacking oxygen

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Synthetic vs. Natural Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. It colors salmon pink and gives them the power to float for days against the roar of the water. Astaxanthin makes high performance easy – and not only that. Astaxanthin improves stress-resistance, prevents heart disease, relieves chronic inflammatory processes, reduces joint pain and protects

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How to Fix Muscle Imbalance

Let’s face it, apart from a variety of other benefits, most of us, including myself, started hitting the gym for the one big reason. Can you already guess it? Right, aesthetics! Whether losing some extra pounds, working towards your summer body or improving your general appearance; we all know how motivating the results from our

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Best Choline Sources – Benefits & Properties Explained

Choline is a vital nutrient that the body makes itself or is absorbed through food. It used to be called a vitamin, and was named vitamin B4 (like adenine); now it is officially listed as a “vitamin-like substance”. But what are the best Sources for Choline? Although produced in small quantities by the body, these

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MCT Oil Benefits and Differences To Coconut Oil

In this article, you will learn what MCT oil and so-called “medium chain triglycerides” are and how it differs from coconut oil. In addition, you get to know the quality differences are and how to choose the right oil for you. In order to give you practical tips, we have an application recommendation for you

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How to get into Flow State Thumbnail (1)

How to get into Flow State

Well-known biohackers, like the American Tim Ferriss, swear by the flow and call it “the state of maximum productivity and creativity.” Flow state describes the optimal human experience with a maximized output. It should not only increase productivity but also be an important ingredient for happiness and satisfaction. What exactly is meant by flow and

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