Exotic food

Is Cacao Healthy Thumbnail

Is Cacao Healthy? – A Comprehensive Guide

Today it’s about a vital topic of life: chocolate. I’m a huge fan of chocolate myself. Besides, I am a nutritionist. So it is interesting to know to what extent chocolate contributes to the health of the population. The following is about cocoa and our cardiovascular system – especially about the vessels that sprout and

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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Thumbnail

13 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar can be made from just about any fermentable carbohydrate source, including apples. To make vinegar, yeast ferments glucose into alcohol, which in turn is converted by bacteria into acetic acid. The acetic acid concentration in commercially available vinegar is about 4-7%. Lately, there is quite some hype around Apple Cider Vinegar. But why? What

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Benefits of Capsaicin Thumbnail

Benefits of Capsaicin

You have probably heard it before, capsaicin. Capsaicin is contained in most spicy foods and is said to have great benefits. But what are the benefits of Capsaicin? All this and more will be covered in our Guide, so stay with me. What is Capsaicin? Capsaicin is the bioactive substance found mainly in hot peppers

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Boerhavia Diffusa Benefits Thumbnail

Boerhavia Diffusa Benefits

It has many names, and probably, you haven’t heard any of them before. Boarhavia Diffusa is also known as Punarnava or Red Spiderling. But what is Boarhavia Diffusa? And what are Boarhavia Diffusa’s benefits? Everything you need to know about Boarhavia Diffusa and its benefits will be explained in this article, so stay with me.

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Bitter Orange Benefits Thumbnail

Benefits of Bitter Orange

Citrus Aurantium, Synephrine, or bitter orange. It has many names. bitter orange has been used in herbal medicine for years and is said to have great benefits. But what are the benefits of bitter orange? In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the bitter orange. Its benefits, usage and also where

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Benefits of Medical Mushrooms Thumbnail

Benefits of Medical Mushrooms

If one deals more intensively with the topic “medicinal mushrooms”, one notices that the dusty image of the past belongs to the past. Medical Mushrooms can have great benefits But what are the benefits of medical mushrooms? For a long time, they have not only been used in naturopathy or medicine, but many organic choppers

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Ashwagandha Benefits for Men Thumbnail

Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

Have you never heard of Ashwagandha before? Then it’s time to get to know the benefits of the super plant. Because it is extremely versatile in its benefits, especially for men. But what are the benefits of Ashwagandha for Men? In many cultures, Ashwagandha is attributed to great benefits. Sounds good? Then you will learn

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10 Guarana Benefits thumbnail

10 Guarana Benefits – Complete Guide

Everyone is talking about it at the moment: guarana or guarana extract. But does Guarana have benefits? And what are the benefits of Guarana? Usually, we find Guarana in the food sector of several supermarkets. Here it is used particularly often as Guarana powder in different foodstuffs. The choice is huge: Whether chewing gum, energy

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Ginseng for Lower Stress Thumbnail (1)

Ginseng for Lower Stress & More

Do you want to be able to concentrate better, like immediately? Then next time you should not grab the Coke, but get some Ginseng. In combination with other plant substances, like Ginkgo, Ginseng can naturally take your mental performance to the next level. But can Ginseng lower stress? And what are the effects on the

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Lion's Mane Benefits Thumbnail

Lion’s Mane Benefits – Complete Guide

Healthy mushrooms like Reishi, Cordyceps Sinensis and Chaga are very popular in the biohacker scene. They contain a lot of minerals and trace elements, which, thanks to their antioxidant and performance-enhancing benefits, make the medicinal mushroom a miracle cure for those who want to sleep better at night and want to be even more efficient

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Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a Happy and Successful life depends on mastering four underlying Pillars. Fitness, Nutrition, Productivity, and Mindfulness. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.

Step by step you get better and better. Just keep improving and trust the process.

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