
Sugar Alcohols and Keto Diet Thumbnail

Sugar Alcohols and Keto Diet

Sugar alcohols such as xylitol, sorbitol, and erythritol have nothing to do with getting drunk and partying. The name is a bit misleading because you can not buy them in bottles, but canned like normal sugar. But why not buy a classic kilo of household sugar at the discount store, but the quite exotic looking

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Man does not know why his muscles do not grow

This is Why Your Muscles do not Grow

We all make mistakes. It can happen to anyone and is simply human. But we should learn from the mistakes we made in the past to do better in the future. As much as in every other area of life, it also applies when we train our body to grow muscles. However, making experiences to

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How to Fix Muscle Imbalance

Let’s face it, apart from a variety of other benefits, most of us, including myself, started hitting the gym for the one big reason. Can you already guess it? Right, aesthetics! Whether losing some extra pounds, working towards your summer body or improving your general appearance; we all know how motivating the results from our

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Performance Foods

Performance Food For Your Well-Being

High-level concentration beginning in the morning and lasting the whole day? Isn’t this something everyone dreams of in a time in which demands for creativity and cognitive performance steadily increase? A new trend dealing with Performance Food may contribute to significant enhancements in your capabilities. Whether it is physical or psychological well-being, food has a

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Healthy nutrition for your dream body

5 Tips How to Lose Stubborn Fat

Everybody wants to look good. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults (18 years and older), were overweight. That’s the opposite of your dream body. So, why do so many people fail on their weight loss journey? Well, I cannot generalize a certain reason for every single case, but most people quit because the diet

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The Anabolic Window – Truth or Myth

“You have to drink a protein shake or eat a protein-rich meal immediately after your workout”. Everybody who works out and has done any research on bodybuilding probably have heard this phrase at least once in their life. “If you don’t ensure sufficient protein intake and not pay attention to the anabolic window up to

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Oatmeal with fruits and seeds

Pre-Workout Nutrition – What and When to Eat before Workout

Emerging athletes consistently try to enhance their performance. Reaching their goals is crucial. It doesn’t matter if it is in the gym, work or everyday life activities. They all have one thing in common. Without good nutrition, you won’t be able to deliver good performance in the gym. Without good nutrition, you won’t be able

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Meal prepared food in lunchboxes

5 Reasons Why Meal Prepping is Important

We’ve all heard about meal prep. But why is it so popular? Especially bodybuilders and athletes swear by meal prepping. Is it just exaggerated and maybe a bit fanatic? Or does it give us cogent benefits that if we would know them better, we most likely start meal prepping immediately? In this article, I’ll unveil

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Do athletes sweat more thumbnail

Do Athletes Sweat More? (Backed by Science)

Our body is a sophisticated construct with innumerable protective mechanisms. Sweating is one of them. Our body has two to four million sweat glands. The highest density of glands is found on the feet, the lowest in lower legs. Overall, the sweat glands produce between 0.5 to 1 liter of sweat daily. During physical activity,

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Thumbnail are sweeteners bad for athletes

Are Sweeteners bad for Athletes?

Sweeteners enjoy a bad reputation. But are sweeteners actually bad for athletes? Initially, artificial sweeteners were meant as a solution to the problem of increasing obesity. Later, sweeteners were blamed for all kinds of health problems. From adiposity, diseases of the nervous system, indigestion to cancer, the list goes on. Trust me, sweeteners have literally

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About Emerging Athlete

Hi, we are the Emerging Athletes. We believe the key to a Happy and Successful life depends on mastering four underlying Pillars. Fitness, Nutrition, Productivity, and Mindfulness. Emerging Athlete is here to help You with just that.

Step by step you get better and better. Just keep improving and trust the process.

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