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11 Brainfoods you didn’t know! (Backed by Science)

The term “brain food” means nothing other than “food for the brain”. This is very important for the healthy functioning of your brain because your brain needs to be well supplied several times so that you can achieve maximum performance. So if you want to learn effectively, you should give your brain, in addition to glucose and water, even more, nutrients and additives. But what kind of food does the brain need to work?

Certain Brainfoods help to learn more effectively or perform other mental work faster and more focused. They have a very different effect on your body. Some promote the circulation of the brain and thus support the ability to concentrate, others provide the basic building blocks for the metabolism and cell structure. Together, they create the conditions for optimal performance, so now we’ll introduce you to the top 11 Brainfoods.

11 Brainfoods effect for women

Our 11 Brainfoods

  1. water
    Almost 75% of your brain is water. When it comes to dehydration in the organism, the brain releases the hormone cortisol, which shrinks the dendrites. These ramifications are involved in the exchange of information between the nerve cells. A shrinking of these dendrites thus leads to a worsening of your brain activity. Therefore, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your brain active.
  2. fish
    Fat fish such as salmon, tuna, herring or mackerel are an ideal source of omega-3 fatty acids. We refer to this in our magazine article “How Omega 3 supports your concentration”.
  3. Red meat and liver
    Iron deficiency has been identified as a common cause of poor concentration in several studies. Iron is crucial for supplying your brain with oxygen, which it needs iron to stay efficient. Red meat and liver are optimal iron suppliers.
  4. fruits
    Almost all fruits have a positive effect on the performance of your brain. Avocados, in particular, can improve blood circulation in the brain. This is mainly due to the high content of monounsaturated fats. Other fruits that have a positive effect on our brain and help to retrieve information more quickly are sugar melons, watermelons, plums, pineapples, oranges, apples, kiwis, peaches, grapes, and cherries.
  5. eggs
    Rich in vitamin B and lecithin, eggs are a good source of saturated fat. The egg yolk also has a high content of choline, an essential component of brain cells.
  6. Dairy products
    Foods like cheese, milk, and yogurt are rich in calcium, which supports the function of your nerves. Especially yogurt contains tyrosines and amino acids that are responsible for the production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters transmit nerve impulses from one cell to another and are therefore crucial for brain function.
  7. Soy
    Soybean foods such as soy milk or tofu are rich in choline and lecithin.
  8. Leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables
    Cabbage, turnips, kohlrabi and broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mustard leaves, watercress and spinach support cognitive functions through their nutrients. Other vegetables that make our brain go are carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, onions, asparagus, sprouts and lettuce. These foods can also be processed very well in a green smoothie, the energy shake, which we already recommend in our article “Green smoothie power for the brain (Brainfood eben)”.
  9. nuts
    Rich in vitamins E and B6, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants are nuts. They have a strong positive impact on brain activity. Whether almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts or peanuts, they all help your brain on the jumps. Not for nothing they are the main ingredient of the student food.
  10. Legumes and beans
    Glucose (glucose) is the fuel of the brain. But since it can not store glucose, a constant supply should be guaranteed. Legumes and beans are the ideal suppliers. Rich in antioxidants, iron and other nutrients, they help keep blood sugar levels constant.
  11. Green tea
    Green tea is a blessing for your body and your brain. He can be both calming and stimulating. The catechin contained in green tea counteracts according to studies, the calcification of the vessels. Green tea is both relaxing and stimulating.
Sugar Alcohols and Keto Diet
11 Brainfoods effect

Brainfoods for More Productivity and Less Stress

Your brain can become more resistant to stress or stimuli through the proper supply of nutrients. Of course, this will also benefit your learning experience. In addition, a balanced, healthy diet promotes your memory, as your brain is ideally cared for and can perfectly utilize the nutrients it supplies. Basically, you should always eat healthy and balanced, but in stress situations, it is often difficult to get well-balanced and optimal.

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